Medical Exam

Necessary for the residence visa application

Exam Steps

Understand the process of your medical exam for the residence visa

SMF is an international medical clinic dedicated to providing Consular Medical Exams in the best facilities and with the best treatment, friendly and warm. All SMF staff is constantly trained to guarantee our first-class service.

Before the appointment:

The date of your interview appointment is indicated in the letter you received from the National Visa Center or the Consular Application Center (CAS). IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to have the complete medical exam results in hand BEFORE YOUR CONSULATE APPOINTMENT. We therefore suggest scheduling your medical exam appointment one or two days in advance.

In accordance with the instructions of the United States Consulate in Ciudad Juárez and in accordance with preventive measures to control risks, during your consular appointment, your companions can wait comfortably in the areas we have prepared for them, either in the clinic facilities or in our ABE (Welcome and Waiting Area), located next to the Consulate.

Minors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by one of their parents or the sponsor. If neither parent nor the sponsor can attend, they must send a notarized power of attorney with the seal and signature of the notary.


It is important to be truthful and provide complete and accurate information during the visa application and interview process. If you do not, your visa application may be delayed or you may be found ineligible for a visa that may otherwise have been approved.

Requirements to request an appointment:

NVC appointment letter, all pages with the names of each applicant.
A photograph is not required for your medical exam, we will provide it to you free of charge.

Requirements for your medical exam:

  • Printed letter of appointment notification for consular interview.
  • Valid passport (original).
  • Cartilla de Vacunación y/o comprobante de vacunas aplicadas (optional).

Important information depending on age:

Over 15 years old

  • We recommend that you schedule your appointment at least 2 business days before your consular appointment.
  • You can have something light for breakfast before the medical exam such as juice, yogurt, fruit (small cup of fruit).
  • If you are taking medication or medical treatment you must bring a letter from your doctor, your medication and your prescription(s).
  • If you wear glasses, it is important to have them present on the day of your medical exam.


The results will be ready the next business day of your medical examination, which will be sent directly to the Consulate electronically. We will tell you the time to pick up the proof from the clinic that validates that your medical examination was completed, an essential requirement for your appointment at the Consulate.

Stages of the medical exam:

  • Chest x-ray
  • Blood sample
  • Urine sample
  • Physical exploration
  • Vaccines
  • Possible additional evaluation (no additional cost)
$374.68dollars $ 7,523.57* pesos *At the exchange rate of the day.
  • Cost includes taxes.
  • This amount only includes necessary clinical examinations.
  • The cost of the vaccines is separate from the cost of your medical exam.
  • You can pay by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or American Express), debit card (Visa or MasterCard), or cash (pesos or dollars).

FREE Transport

We will pick you up at your arrival to Ciudad Juárez and/or your place of lodging from 6am to 11am and back.